Social Media Policy

Northampton County, VA
Social Media Policy




The mission of the Northampton County Government is to provide the necessary services to protect the health, safety, welfare, environment and quality of life of our citizens consistent with the communities’ values and priorities. This mission is accomplished by encouraging citizen involvement, by preserving the County’s fiscal stability, traditional values and unity of our people through the implementation of effective and efficient government programs; consensus building; managing the County’s natural, cultural, and historic resources; planning for the future; and representing citizen needs and desires to other levels of government.



The Purpose of Northampton County, Virginia’s social media presence is to provide information about services, events and happenings, history, meetings, emergency updates and programs, as well as other information that is of public interest to residents, businesses and visitors.
These accounts are monitored periodically and not intended to accept service requests of the County.
If you have a service request or statement to make to the County, please do so by emailing or calling the appropriate department. Phone numbers, email and addresses for each department may be found on our website at
Or you may email or call the main telephone number at 757-678-0440.

Comment Policy

The County’s intent is not to create a public forum, but to maintain a moderated online discussion directly relating to topics posted by the County that is appropriate for all citizens to read.
Northampton County’s social media site serves as a limited public forum and all content published is subject to monitoring. Please note if you post a comment, Northampton County reserves the right to delete submissions that contain:

• Vulgar language.
• Personal attacks of any kind.
• Offensive or disruptive comments.
• Spam.
• Advertising.
• Clearly off topic comments.
• Promoting particular services, products, or organizations.
• Promotes or endorses political campaigns or candidates.
• Inappropriate links.
• Advocating illegal activity.
• Infringement on copyrights or trademarks.
• Violations of Northampton County policies.
Administrators may also report or remove comments containing content that is prohibited material subject to [vendor’s] Code of Conduct, terms of Use and the general rules above.
Multiple violations of the Social Media Comment Policy can result in the offending user being banned from use of the County’s social media sites.
The comments expressed on these sites, other than those posted by Northampton County, do not reflect the opinions and position of the Northampton County Government or its officers and employees.

Public Records Law

Northampton County’s social media sites are subject to applicable public records laws. Any content maintained in a social media format related to agency business, including communication posted by the County and communication received from citizens, is a public record.

Legal disclaimer

Northampton County, VA assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions, or discrepancies. Northampton County is not responsible for the content of nor endorses any site that has a link from this page or social media account.

ADA Accessibility

The County of Northampton wants everyone to be able to access and understand the information on our website and social media site. We make every effort to make our social media sites and posts compliant with web accessibility rights governed by Section 508 for individuals with visual and hearing disabilities.


The County’s preference is to use only photos and videos produced by the County. We sometimes use photos or graphics that we have permission to use from the original source and with the proper attribution. We also use images from Creative Commons in the public domain. Check to see if there is a copyright or photo credit. You need to request permission from the original source to use this material.  


Third party trademarks used on this site are the property of their respective owners, and do not indicate any sponsorship or endorsement of, or affiliation with, Northampton County, as applicable, by such trademark owners.